Monday, March 17, 2014

Mexican Labor in 1920s

Paul Taylor writes: The interviews took place at one of the railroad labor camps
of a type frequently seen in and near Chicago. The camp consists of old box cars
taken from their tracks. Additions have in some cases been built to provide extra
rooms, covered porches, or open floors. There are gardens, chickens, and even
pigs, with the usual cats and dogs. The first man I spoke to had a box car with
the addition of a covered porch and a screen for flies. His wife was sick but the
rest of the family was well.
I left Mexico in 1919, when there was good work in Texas. My first job
was digging ditches. The good work lasted about a year and a half.
Then I was laid off. So were many, many Mexicans. Some of them
had worked there a long time but they kept the Americans. It made
some of us mad but what could we do? Nothing.
I went North to Detroit in hope things would be better. Then to
Pittsburgh. But they were worse. In 1923, I came to Chicago and
worked for the steel mills. I like the work there. It pays well. It is very
hot and heavy but I could stand that. Then I was laid off. I did not
work for three months and I was desperate. Finally I landed here. I
have been here four years.
The track work does not pay so well but it is steady. Out here we get
our coal and water free. That makes it very nice in the winter. In the
summer we have ice and that is a great luxury. We have no rent bill
to pay and that makes it very much better than in town. There is
always plenty of fresh air and sunshine and the children like it here
because they can play in the open country.
We get La Prensa here and when I finish reading it I pass it to
someone else. One man gets a paper from Los Angeles in California.
That is a pretty place and I have often heard so much about it. There
are many Mexicans there and we hear from them very often. Many of
the people around here would like to go there. They say the people
down there are so very happy and it is not cold like it is here.
Source: Between 1927-1930, sociologist Paul Taylor conducted interviews with
Mexican immigrants living in Chicago. The interview above was probably
conducted in 1928.

DOCUMENT B: “Corrido Pensilvanio”’

Source: A corrido is a Mexican narrative song or ballad that is passed around in
the oral tradition. The corrido highlights important social, political and cultural
issues that affect Mexican and Mexican American communities.

DOCUMENT C: Lynching
In September 1911, four hundred Mexican activists assembled in
Laredo, Texas. The delegates denounced the brutal oppression of
their people that had continued unchecked since the signing of the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848). It was agreed to establish a new
civil rights organization with the purpose of protecting its members
against white injustice. La Grán Liga Mexicanista de Benefiencia y
Protección intended to attract the support of wealthy philanthropists
and the liberal press in order "to strike back at the hatred of some
bad sons of Uncle Sam who believe themselves better than the
Mexicans because of the magic that surrounds the word white".
In 1929, Mexicans founded another defense agency, the League
of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). LULAC organizers
experienced difficulty mobilizing Mexican Americans, especially in
small towns and remote rural areas. The only way to prevent further
lynchings was for Mexicans to rally in protest. Yet it was the very fear
of mob violence that frightened [many] into silence.

Source: “The Lynching of Persons of Mexican Origin or Descent in the United
States, 1848 To 1928,” William D. Carrigan. Journal of Social History, 2003.

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